The Master Nun's 102nd Birthday Anniversary
China's 'Tower of Pisa' leans back up
Singburi Woman
I was the first women to pedal a 3-wheeled pedicab in Singburi. I worked until a car crashed into me and injured my left leg. I had to stop pedaling the 3-wheeler. What demerit has caused me to have a difficult life since childhood And even now I am still in difficult circumstances. But why do others see me as having a comfortable and prosperous life? The fire which occurred at the house went out on its own. Was it because of help from the great Dhammakaya teachers?
Our Roles and Responsibilities
Living in any society, we will certainly encounter many acquaintances who lack the appropriate social skills to interact with those around them or were often oblivious to the feelings of others. This may lead to numerous problems in the future.
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 2
He has many worldly experiences in his life and has seen many kinds of people from every class. Being a Dream in Dream kindergarten student, he realized that “merit” makes people different. What merit makes a normal person be a president, a prime minister, and some become ministers or less powerful leaders, respectively? If one wishes to be a leader like this in every life, what can he do?
แจ้งข่าวการปรับปรุงระบบเข้ารหัสสัญญาณดาวเทียม รับชม DMC
ตั้งแต่วันที่ 5 - 18 พ.ย. 57 มีการปรับปรุงระบบเข้ารหัสสัญญาณดาวเทียม ซึ่งจะทำให้กล่องรับสัญญาณ 3 ยี่ห้อเฉพาะในระบบ KU band คือ GMM , Sunbox , PSI จะรับชม DMC ไม่ได้จนถึงวันที่ 18 พ.ย.57 หลังจากนั้นจะรับชมได้ตามปกติ ส่วนกล่องอื่นๆเช่น DTV และ Topfield รับชมได้ตามปกติไม่มีผลกระทบใดๆ
The Schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
The history and schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
The Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya: Commemorating Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajarn’s 74 Birthday
The Photo Collection of The Sand Tossing and Initial Pile Driving Ceremony for the construction of “The Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya” on Sep. 21, 2557 at Kanchanaburi Youth Training Center, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Benefits of Meditation for Your Mind
I am a son in a Chinese family. My family owned a trading company. My family was never interested in Buddhism or meditation. We never went to any temple, never hung an amulet and never prayed at a spiritual shrine.
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 1
He grew up in a perfect family. He was taught to have discipline and moral principles. He quite succeeded in his study and career. His life went into a politics and got many important positions in politics, such as minister in the prime minister’s office. People respected him as a “political advisor”